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 « Peu importe vos préjugés, vous serez surpris. »

Oops ! Nice !

Voilà deux mots qui qualifient ouvertement leur musique : Surprise puis appréciation.
Le groupe formé en 2009, bien loin de se soucier des genres musicaux dans lesquels nous pouvons les caser, ne semble chercher à travers la musique qu’un moyen d’exprimer leurs sentiments.
Bien décidés à progresser avant de tenter toute ascension vers les Top Charts, le groupe s’est produit à de nombreuses reprises sur les petites scènes coréennes. Des remplacements de leurs membres et plusieurs festivals plus tard, les voilà prêts à montrer leur maturité durement acquise.
A leur actif, nous pouvons compter le ‘Let’s Rock Festival’ ou encore le 'Korea Live Music Festival’ ainsi qu’une victoire à la finale Coréenne du ‘Yamaha Asian Beat’ en 2012. Forts de leurs prix reçus au ‘Asian Beat Grand Final’, ils se sont par la suite classés dans le Top 6 de l’émission ‘K-Rookies’ et ont sorti leur premier EP en Octobre 2013.

Nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir parler avec eux de leurs expériences, de leurs influences et de leurs attentes !

« Whatever you imagine, you’ll see more of that »

Oops! Nice!

Here are two words that literally qualify their music: surprise and then appreciation.

The band, created in 2009, don’t concern themselves with any genre qualification, as they only care about the expression of their feelings.
In order to progress before reaching the top charts, the band have performed numerous live shows. After changing members and appearing at several more festivals, they are now ready to show their hard-earned maturity.
Amongst their assets we can include the ‘Let’s Rock Festival’ and also the ‘Korea Live Music Festival’ as well as a victory at the ‘Yamaha Asian Beat’ Korean Finale in 2012. On the strength of their prizes received at the ‘Asian Beat Grand Final’, they were afterwards classified in the Top 6 of the talent search program 'K-rookies' and released their first EP (Oct. 2013).

Moksori was able to talk with them about their experiences, influences and expectations.


Chanteuse | Maho (마호)

Guitariste | Sung-Poong Lee (이성풍)

Bassiste | Yong-Jun Choi (최용준)

Batteur | Chung-Choon Kang (강청춘)

FX | Hojae Lim (임호재)



GENRE : Rock



2012.09.19 | No Eat Yourself (Single)

2013.10.13 | We Are.. (1st EP)


OOPS NICE | Facebook

OOPS NICE | Twitter

OOPS NICE | Cafe Naver


TRADUCTION : Charlotte

Hi Oops Nice! Firstly, we want to know more about you! Can you introduce your band?

안녕하세요 Moksori!! 저희는 한국에서 활동하고 있는 밴드 웁스나이스 입니다. 다양한 매력을 가지고 있는 프론트맨 마호, 락의 정통성을 추구하는 기타리스트 이성풍, 파워와 정교함을 겸비한 드러머 강청춘, 부드러운 카리스마를 가진 베이시스트 최용준 그리고 감정에 충실한 FX 임호재.

이렇게 다섯명이 모였을 때 웁스나이스가 완성이 됩니다.

2 | How did you get started in 2009? Have there been many changes up to now?

2009년 마호와 성풍이 음악적 꿈을 함께 하며 시작되었던 웁스나이스는 그 동안 많은 시행착오를 거치며 뜻이 맞는 멤버들을 찾아왔습니다. 그러던 와중에 2011년 말 FX 호재, 2012년 초 청춘이 합류하며 2012 야마하 아시안비트 코리아파이널 우승 및 그랜드 파이널 준우승을 차지하였고, 2013년 베이시스트 용준이 마지막으로 합류하며 2013 K-Rookies 선정 및 K-Rookies Final Concert 에서 우승을 하는 쾌거를 이룩하였습니다.


3 | How would you define your music?

음악이라는 것 자체가 말로써 정의될 수 있는 무엇이라고 생각하지 않습니다. 우리가 살아가며 느끼는 여러 가지 감정들을 공감할 수 있는 모양으로 다듬어 악기에 담아 전달하고자할 뿐입니다. 우리의 음악 스타일은 결국 사람들의 ‘삶’ 인 것 같습니다.

4 | Does the music you’re listening to influence the one you create? What are your other influences?

멤버들이 즐겨 듣거나 좋아하는 취향은 각자 많이 다릅니다. 작곡을 함에 있어서 아무래도 즐겨 들어왔던 음악들이 영향을 미치겠지만, 작곡을 하기 위해 다른 뮤지션의 곡을 참고하지는 않습니다. 작곡에 가장 어려운 부분은 사실 멤버들 각자 느끼는 것들이 조금씩 다르기 때문에 이를 하나로 모아서 표현하는 것이 아닐까 싶습니다. 작곡에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 부분은 다른 멤버들의 취향과 감정에 대한 공감과 배려일 것입니다.

5 | As your lyrics are in Korean, can you explain a bit about their meaning?

최근에 발매되었던 앨범 ‘We Are’ 에 실렸던 곡들에 대해서 이야기해드릴게요.

1번트랙 ‘민들레’ 피고 지는, 그리고 흩날리는 민들레의 홀씨같은 우리들의 열정과 사랑에 관한 이야기를 담고 있습니다.

2번트랙 ‘그때로’ 는 하루하루 일상을 살아가며 지쳐버린 순간, 어렸을 적 순수했던 모습을 회상하며 그때로 돌아가고 싶다고 소망하는 마음을 담고 있습니다.

3번트랙 ‘차마참아’ 는 사랑하지만 다가갈 수는 없는 떠나간 사람에게 “당신도 나를 그리워하게 될 것이다” 라고 외치는 곡입니다(It’s not a kind of Curse!! Have you ever heard about the word of Korean emotion ‘Han:한’??).

4번 트랙 ‘Eat yourself’ 는 2012년 발매된 싱글앨범에도 수록되었던 곡으로, 보이지 않는 어두운 미래와 현실에 대한 답답함에 대한 분노와 슬픔을 노래하는 곡입니다.

5번 트랙 ‘달바다’ 는 포기해가던 나의 삶의 마지막 순간, 빛처럼 다가온 누군가에 대한 고마움과 환희에 관한 이야기를 전합니다.

마지막 6번 트랙 ‘오늘부터 우리는’ 은 세상을 함께 살아가고 있는 모든 사람들이 ‘we’ 라는 이름으로 하나가 될 수 있고, 또 하나가 되고 싶다는 이야기를 담고 있습니다.

6 | I personally find 'Hangover' very catchy, can you walk us through your song creation process?

Hangover는 곧 발매 예정인 앨범에 수록될 곡입니다. 모티브는 영화 ‘hangover’ 였는데, 멤버 5명이 모두 이 영화를 좋아합니다. 과정이라고 말 할 것도 없이 어느 날 갑자기 대화를 주고받다가 진행과 멜로디가 자연스럽게 흘러나왔고, 약간의 마무리 작업을 통해 지금의 hangover 가 되었습니다. 아마도 온라인 음원으로도 곧 접하실 수 있게 될 곡이니 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다.

7 | Which song do you think that best represent your sound as it has evolved over the years?

멤버들이 스스로 한 곡을 정하는게 쉬운 일은 아니네요. :) 웁스나이스의 음악과 공연을 보고 들어주시는 분들이 정해주시기를 부탁드려봅니다!

8 | You’ve waited 4 years to release your first EP “WE ARE”… Can we hope for a new one in 2014/2015?

앞서 말씀드렸다시피 2014년 내로 ‘Hangover’가 수록된 새로운 앨범이 나올 것 같습니다. 앨범의 형태 (single, Ep) 는 아직 정해지지 않았습니다.

EP “WE ARE” 는 현재 온라인으로는 만나실 수 없으며 오직 오프라인으로만 만나실 수 있습니다.

9 | There are a lot of independent bands in South Korea, how do you think Oops Nice is different from other bands?

한국에는 정말 실력있는 뮤지션들이 많다고 생각합니다. 각자의 개성들이 뚜렷하기 때문에 웁스나이스가 다른 밴드들과 ‘다른점’ 이라고 꼬집어 말할 수는 없다고 생각합니다.

다만 웁스나이스가 추구하는 음악은 ‘트랜드’ 보다는 우리만의 ‘오리지널리티’ 에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 더 다양한 음악을 웁스나이스 답게 할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.

10 | Who are your favorite Korean indie rock bands?

A부터 Z, 0부터 9까지 다 적으면 책 한권 정도 될 것 같습니다!! 한국에는 정말 좋은 뮤지션들이 정말 많답니다!!

11 | Do you have anything else that you’d like to say to Moksori’s readers?

무엇보다도 한국의 음악, 특히나 한국의 밴드 음악에 관심을 가져주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 모두가 그렇겠지만 우리는 함께 ‘공감’ 할 때 가장 행복하고, 여러분들의 열정을 받아서 살아갑니다.

항상 아낌없이 응원해주셔서 정말 고맙습니다 여러분! 좋은 음악으로 보답하겠습니다. 조만간 새로운 앨범으로 다시 인사드릴게요!  Rock bless you!


Bonjour Oops Nice ! Tout d'abord, nous voulons en savoir un petit peu plus à propos de vous ! Pouvez-vous nous présenter votre groupe ?

Bonjour Moksori ! Nous sommes les coréens Oops Nice. Notre groupe se compose de la charmante Maho, de notre guitariste Sung-Poong Lee qui est à la recherche des pures traditions du rock, de notre batteur Chung-Choon Kang au jeu à la fois aérien et puissant, de notre charismatique bassiste Yong-Jun Choi et de notre fidèle et sincère FX Hojae Lim.

A nous cinq nous formons les Oops Nice.

2 | Comment se sont passé vos débuts en 2009 ? Y a-t-il eu beaucoup de changements depuis ?

Depuis leurs débuts en 2009, Maho et Sung-Poong Lee ont dû faire preuve de patience afin de relever les défis que présentaient le challenge de trouver les bonnes personnes qui partagent la même vision qu'eux de la musique. C'est pourquoi il a fallut attendre fin 2011 pour voir arriver Hojae Lim  et début 2012 pour Chung-Choong Kang. Depuis nous avons gagné en 2012 la finale du Yamaha Asian Beat de Corée du Sud et nous sommes arrivés en tête de la grande finale asiatique. En 2013, Yong-Jun nous as rejoint puis nous avons été sélectionnés aux K-Rookie -que nous avons par ailleurs gagné lors du concert organisé à l'occasion du concours.

3 | Comment définiriez-vous votre son ?

Nous ne pensons pas que nous pouvons réellement définir la musique à l'aide de mots. Nous essayons juste d'exprimer sincèrement, à l'aide d'instruments, nos émotions.

4 | Est-ce que la musique que vous écoutez influence celle que vous créez ?  Quelles sont vos autres influences ?

Chaque membre du groupe a ses propres préférences musicales et en est plus ou moins influencé. Cependant lorsque qu'il s'agit de composer nos propres mélodies, nous n'écoutons pas le travail d'un autre artiste dans le but de nous en inspirer volontairement. Pour être honnête, la part la plus difficile dans la création de nouveaux sons est l'inquiétude de ne pas être sur la même longueur d'onde étant donné que nous avons chacun une façon différente de nous exprimer. Notre plus grande influence reste donc notre ouverture aux sentiments et aux goûts de chacun des membres du groupe ainsi qu'à nos émotions.

5 | Etant donné que vos chansons sont en coréen, pouvez-vous nous en expliquer le sens ?

-Si cela vous convient- Nous allons vous parler des chansons de notre album le plus récent. Le premier titre '민들레' parle de la façon dont nos passions et amours nous volent autour dans le vent tels des fleurs de pissenlit. Le second titre '그때로' est une ôde aux souvenirs de la pureté de notre jeunesse ainsi qu'à l'espoir qu'ils nous donnent lorsque nous sommes plongé jour après jour dans la lassitude et l'ennui. Dans le troisième titre '차마참아’ nous crions après une personne que nous aimons mais qui est partie et dont nous ne pouvons plus nous rapprocher à nouveau "Je vais tout faire pour que je te manque aussi". Le quatrième titre "Eat yourself" qui était aussi sur notre single en 2012, relate la rage et la tristesse que notre sombre et imprévisible avenir nous réserve. La cinquième piste '달바다’ est à propos de la joie et de la gratitude que nous ressentons lorsqu'une personne apparait tel un rayon de soleil alors que nous étions prêt à abandonner tout espoir en la vie. Enfin, le sixième titre '오늘부터 우리는' démontre la façon dont nous pouvons et dont nous voulons ne faire qu'un sous le nom 'nous'.
6 | Personnelement je trouve le titre "Hangover" très accrocheur, pouvez vous nous guider dans votre processus de création ?

Hangover sera sur notre prochain album que nous espérons sortir prochainement. Nous nous sommes inspirés du film "hangover", que nous avons tous apprécié. C'est difficile d'appeler ça un processus de création, étant donné que la mélodie et la chanson nous sont soudainement venu alors que nous étions en train de bavarder. Nous avons par la suite ajouté les dernières finitions et voilà. Dans tous les cas ce titre sera bientôt disponible en ligne et nous espérons qu'il attirera beaucoup d'attention.

7 | A votre avis, quel titre représente le mieux votre  évolution ?

S'arrêter à une seule et unique chanson serait trop difficile pour nous. :) Nous préfèrerions laisser ce choix aux personnes qui nous ont vu en concert et qui écoutent notre musique !

8 | Vous avez attendu 4 ans avant de réaliser votre premier EP "We Are"... Pouvons-nous esperer un nouveau CD d'ici 2015 ?

Comme nous l'avons mentionné auparavant, nous prévoyons de sortir un album cette année qui incluera le titre "Hangover". Nous n'avons cependant pas encore décidé du format de celui-ci (Single ou EP).
L'EP "We Are" quant à lui, n'est pour le moment pas disponible en ligne, vous ne pouvez l'obtenir qu'en nous contactant directement.

9 | Il y a beaucoup de groupes indépendants en Corée du Sud, d'après vous en quoi Oops Nice se démarque des autres ?

Nous pensons qu'il y a beaucoup de talentueux musiciens en Corée du Sud. Chacun ayant son propre style, nous ne pouvons pas vraiment dire qu'il y a de différence notable entre Oops Nice et les autres. Cependant nous pouvons affirmer que notre groupe ne se concentre que sur sa propre originalité plutôt que sur les sons à la mode. Nous allons essayer de continuer sur cette lancée et de créer de nombreuses musiques à notre façon.

10 | Quels sont vos groupe indie coréens préférés ?

Si nous devions lister tous les groupes de A à Z et de 0 à 9 nous pourrions remplir un livre !! Il y a vraiment beaucoup de très bons musiciens en Corée du Sud !!

11 | Avez-vous quelque chose que vous voudriez adresser aux lecteurs de Moksori ?

Tout d'abord, merci de votre intérêt pour la musique coréenne. C'est lorsque nos fans  partagent nos émotions que nous sommes le plus heureux et nous ne vivons qu'à travers  leur passion. Merci beaucoup pour votre soutiens et nous vous le revaudront avec de bonnes musiques. De plus, notre nouvel album sera bientôt disponible. Rock bless you !!


Hi Oops Nice! Firstly, we want to know more about you! Can you introduce your band?

Hi there Moksori!! We are Oops Nice from Korea. Our band consists firstly of our frontman Maho, who possesses all types of charms, Sung-Poong Lee, our guitarist, on his search for the pure traditions of rock, our drummer with both the power and the silky touch Chung-Choon Kang, the gently charismatic Yong-Jun Choi on bass and our faithful and loyal FX, Hojae Lim.

The five of us together complete Oops Nice.

2 | How did you get started in 2009? Have there been many changes up to now?

It took a fair bit of trial and error for Oops Nice, after being started in 2009 by Maho and Song Pung from a shared musical vision, to finally find the right like minded people. At the end of 2011 FX Ho Jae, and in the beginning of 2012 , Chong Chun joined , and in 2012 we won the Yamaha Asian Beat Korean Finale and were runners up in the Grand Final. In 2013 bassist Yong Jun joined us and in 2013 we were selected as K-Rookies. Then in the K-Rookies Final Concert we managed to win first place.

3 | How would you define your music?

We don't think that you can really define what music is through words. Its just us trying to express with an instrument, in a sympathetic way , the emotions we live and feel.

4 | Does the music you’re listening to influence the one you create? What are your other influences?

Each of the members of the band enjoys and listens to really different music. When if comes to writing music, whatever music you enjoy has an influence but you don't listen to another musician's work in order to help you come up with something. To be honest, the hardest thing about writing is the worry that we will not all want to express things in the same way, because each of the band members feels things a little differently. When writing, the biggest influence is being sensitive to and open to the other members feelings and taste.

5 | As your lyrics are in Korean, can you explain a bit about their meaning?

(If its OK) We will talk about the songs on our latest album. The first track '민들레' is about how our passions and love whirl around like dandelion flower seeds in the wind. The second track '그때로' is about how we remember and want to return to the purity of our youth and the hope this give us, as we live our day to day lives with all the weariness and boredom. In the third track '차마참아’ we scream at someone who we love who is gone and we can no longer get close to that "I will make you miss me too". The fourth track "Eat yourself' was also released as a single in 2012, and is about the rage and sadness our dark, unforseeable futures and this reality gives us. The fifth track, '달바다’ is about the joy and gratefulness we feel when someone appears like a ray of light at the very last moment when we have given up on life. Lastly, the sixth track '오늘부터 우리는' is about how we can become one through the name 'we' and how we want to become one.

6 | I personally find 'Hangover' very catchy, can you walk us through your song creation process?

Hangover will be on the album we expect to release soon. The inspiration for the song is the movie 'hangover', which all five members of the band love. It's hard to call it a process, but one day the song and the melody just suddenly came to us of its own accord while we were having a chat. We added a few finishing touches later on and there it was. In any cases, it will soon be available online, we hope it gets a lot of attention.

7 | Which song do you think that best represent your sound as it has evolved over the years?

Just settling on one song would be too hard for us. :)

We might leave this up to those who have seen us live and listen to our music!

8 | You’ve waited 4 years to release your first EP “WE ARE”… Can we hope for a new one in 2014/2015?

As we said before, we plan to release an album this year which will have the song 'Hangover' on it. We havent yet decided on the exact format of the album (single, EP). The EP "We are' isn't online yet and is can only be found off line.

9 | There are a lot of independent bands in South Korea, how do you think Oops Nice is different from other bands?

We think that there are a lot ot talented musicians in Korea. We think that because they each have their own style, we can't really say what is necessarily different between Oops Nice and other bands. We can say that Oops Nice will concentrate on our own originality rather than trends though. We will continue to try and make a variety of music in our own way.

10 | Who are your favorite Korean indie rock bands?

If we listed them all from A to Z and 0 top 9 we could fill a book!! There really are that many good musicians in Korea !!

11 | Do you have anything else that you’d like to say to Moksori’s readers?

Most importantly, thanks for your interest in Korean music. We are happiest when our fans share our emotions and we live because of our fans passion. Thanks so much for your continued support, we will repay you with great music. Our new album will also be out soon. Rock bless you !!

HANGOVER (2014.10.31 : 라이브클럽페스타)

Eat Yourself (2012 YAMAHA AsianBeat Korea Final)

차마참아 (2014.07.04 : Live at Freebird 2)

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